
                                      By Anjni
It gives the illusion of real life presented on stage. The action evolves through the situations and personalities of the characters. It was a movement in late 19th-century drama that aimed to replace the artificial romantic style with accurate representations of ordinary people in believable situations.Naturalism refers to theatre that tries to create a perfect illusion of reality by use of a range of dramatic and theatrical strategies.

·      As an actor, Stanislavski saw a lot of bad acting - what he termed as artificial.

·      He wanted actors to work on characters from the inside  and thus create more of a "true" or "real" style of theatre

·      He encouraged bringing an actor's experiences into the role and expanding an actor's imagination.


·      Stanislavski believed that in order to make a character true, the character must received from the inside. That means revealing on the real inside life of the actor such as memories. The actor also has to create the inside profile for the character: inner thought, back story and beliefs, just as a real person does.

·      Stanislavski believed that an actor’s body and voice is the apparatus  needed in order for the actor to fully express every shade of character.

He saw the body and voice as ‘instruments’ that could be trained and help shape not only the character but the actor itself.


  1. ok less pictures and more writing

  2. this was really helpful, thank you.

  3. follow me on instagram @djs.212

  4. hello my bruddahs I see you guys are also here because of A Level Drama I presume?

    1. My teacher is a fat slaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag.
      Hope you enjoyed my song about my bitch of a teacher.
      Drama teachers are all piss takes and pricks I fuckin swear man.

  5. help. I don't want to do this anymore
